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Das perfekte Möbelstück für dein Wohnzimmer

Looking for a classy, industrial vibe for your living room? The RINGO-Living Xezal series is designed to bring an aesthetic touch to your living space. This black wooden table will complement your contemporary decor with its decorative, industrial, and vintage style. It would fit seamlessly into your living room and instantly elevate its overall appeal.

Qualität und Design Details

The SQUARE table top is 62 cm wide and 51 cm long, giving you ample space to display your favorite decor items or to hold your coffee mug and book. It’s made from high-quality wood and has a sleek black finish that adds an element of elegance to the piece. This sturdy table sits on three round metal legs, enhancing its industrial vibe. Note that these legs do not have wheels.

Handgefertigtes Meisterstück

What makes this table uniquely yours is the fact that it is handcrafted. It features a „used-look“ which means intentional paint chipping and small abrasions have been added to give it a vintage feel. These qualities aren’t defects but rather enhance the unique character of this table set.

Praktische Größe mit zusätzlichem Tisch

Designed for versatility, this table comes with two more tables each a different size (43 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm / 38cm x 54cm x 43cm), offering you more options for your seating area. The main table measures 36 cm in height, 62 cm in width, and 51 cm in length, and weighs around 16 kg.


This uniquely designed product is easy to care for. Clean it using a damp cloth, avoiding the use of chemical cleaners. This will help maintain the black finish and contribute to the product’s longevity.

Ring in the elegance of the RINGO-Living Xezal, your choice of a decorative, industrial, vintage-style table set to enhance the appeal of any living room setup! This product is functional, durable, and a visual treat, making it a worthy addition to your collection of furniture.

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